On Tue, Mar 16, 2010, Volodymyr Babin wrote:
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/intel/mkl91023/interfaces/fftw2xf'
> make clean ../../lib/32/libfftw2xf_intel.a _IA=32
> make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/local/intel/mkl91023/interfaces/fftw2xf'
> rm -f ../../lib/32/libfftw2xf_intel.a *.o
> icc -c -w -DMKL_DOUBLE -I../../include -I../../include/fftw
> wrappers/fftw_destroy_plan.c -o fftw_destroy_plan.o
> error: can't open file fftw_destroy_plan.o for write
Ooooh! the Makefile in amber11/src/nab looks dangerous: it uses
INSTALL_DIR=$(AMBERHOME)/lib, but what happens if AMBERHOME is not
set? The statement should be INSTALL_DIR=$(LIBDIR), which is both more
accurate and sure to be set. I've updated this in CVS.
As far as I can see, these updates should be solving the problems Ben and
Volodymyr report with the MKL fftw wrappers; can be checked either by
testing the current CVS, or by waiting for the next release candidate.
...thanks for the reports....dac
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 16 2010 - 20:30:02 PDT