Re: [AMBER-Developers] error compiling amber

From: case <>
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 14:27:19 -0500

On Tue, Mar 02, 2010, Jason Swails wrote:
> I just checked out a version of amber earlier this morning and ran
> into this error:
> ifort -c -O0 -FR -o xray_utils.o _xray_utils.f
> _xray_utils.f(256): error #6423: This name has already been used as an
> external function name. [ERF_INV]
> erf_inv = a(1)
> ------^
> compilation aborted for _xray_utils.f (code 1)

For now, you should just undo r1.5 for xray_utils, i.e. go back to 1.4
(this is essentially the same as changing MKL to MKL_something else).

> I'm using intel compilers and MKL all version 11. I don't know if
> it's an older version of MKL that doesn't have erf_inv?

The error is at the compiliation step, not the link step, so it has nothing
to do with what is or is not in the MKL libraries.

Try changing line 214 of xray_utils.f from "function erf_inv(x)" to
"pure function erf_inv(x)". This is a guess, but see if it helps.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 02 2010 - 11:30:05 PST
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