On Mon, Mar 01, 2010 at 04:19:36PM -0500, Ben Roberts wrote:
> I've been trying to debug something unrelated, so I built Amber with
> ifort -check, and I get this response:
> dsarpack.f(199): warning #6371: A jump into a block from outside the
> block may have occurred. [12]
> go to (12,18) label
> -------------^
> dsarpack.f(199): warning #6371: A jump into a block from outside the
> block may have occurred. [18]
> go to (12,18) label
> ----------------^
> Is arpack something we should be playing around with, and if so, does
> this message represent a problem to be fixed?
No, this like other long living libraries (blas, ...) generally shouldnt
be cleaned up by us. There are several perspectives here, but the simplest
is that they have been tested extensively, and most compilers are
not designed to decrypt their spaghetti code.
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Received on Mon Mar 01 2010 - 13:30:05 PST