On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 11:53:31AM -0500, case wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 09, 2009, Robert Konecny wrote:
> > Thanks Dave. So right now all the APBS code in sander is ifdef'ed and users
> > build with 'make -e AMBERBUILDFLAGS="-DAPBS" sander.APBS'.
> Well, we really should just build sander.APBS the same way as we build
> sander.MPI, or sander.LES, etc.: tell the "makedepend" script and the
> Makefile what to do; then one just needs to type "make sander.APBS". This
> looks pretty simple, so I'll work on doing it, then you can check to see
> if what I do is OK. Give me a few days.
> > Can AMBERBUILDFLAGS (or some other variable) be added back to FPP please?
> > It might actually be better to have a different variable for specifying
> > extra preprocessor options since AMBERBUILDFLAGS is also being passed to
> > the compilers and the preprocessor options may not be compatible with
> > valid compiler switches.
I use AMBERBUILDFLAGS all the time to make debug versions
without having to edit config.h. Usually, build steps that dont
understand part of a AMBERBUILDFLAGS just emit a warning.
So Id like this to remain.
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Nov 09 2009 - 09:30:05 PST