Hi everyone:
Here is the latest tarball for AmberTools:
I'm posting this not so much as a "release candidate" than as an aid for
people having problems: you can/should use this as your test suite; the
07oct09 version is still at the above location, in case you want to see if
recent changes have affected your results.
For what it is worth: the tarball above looks fine to me on MacOSX 10.5 with
gcc 4.4: small diffs in a few am1-bcc charges, some reduce "failures" that
have to do with formatting of 80-character lines, and one other tiny roundoff
Also: there have been a lot of changes to the AmberTools.pdf file, but lots
of proofreading and updating is still needed. I'd really appreciate it if
people would look at things there, and update as needed. Amber PI's: please
check the "authorship" page, as well as
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri Oct 30 2009 - 08:00:03 PDT