Hi all,
When running the parallel sander tests at the moment, I'm getting a
large number of failures of the following kind:
mdfil: Error unknown flag: -ng
usage: sander [-O|A] -i mdin -o mdout -p prmtop -c inpcrd -r
restrt [-ref refc -x mdcrd -v mdvel -e mden -idip inpdip -rdip rstdip
-mdip mddip -ng numgroup -remlog remlog -rem [0|1|2] -inf mdinfo -radii
radii -y inptraj]
Consult the manual for additional options.
Has the -ng functionality been removed, or does this message indicate a
compilation error at my end?
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Received on Thu Oct 22 2009 - 09:30:03 PDT