[AMBER-Developers] debug.f merge_forces

From: Tyler Luchko <tluchko.rci.rutgers.edu>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2009 20:58:20 +0100


I have just committed a change to use MPI_GATHERV instead of MPI_REDUCE
in the MERGE_FORCES subroutine of debug.f. For parallel runs the debug
facility was failing in two different cases.

init /= 3
Here all processes have the forces for all atoms. MPI_REDUCE sums all
of the forces from all of the processes to give the force on the master
process as sandersize*frc.

init == 3
Here each process has the correct forces for its own subset of atoms but
  unspecified values for the remaining atoms. MPI_REDUCE adds the
correct forces with the unspecified values, giving incorrect forces on
the master node.

Using MPI_GATHERV fixes both of these cases. If this change has broken
anything, please let me know.


AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 06 2009 - 10:10:49 PDT
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