Hi everyone,
I am about to update trajectory post-processing (trajene.f, imin=5) in
amber11 (as well as release a patch for amber10) that will enable
post-processing of trajectories with box coords and trajectories in NETCDF
format. Two semi-major changes are that I have converted trajene.f into a
module and this new trajene module requires part of the bintraj module, so
the dependencies have changed. However, it seems that doing a 'make clean'
does not trigger regeneration of the 'depend' file, which in turn causes
compilation to fail. Manually deleting 'depend' and executing 'make depend'
regenerates the 'depend' file which allows compilation to complete. Is this
the desired behavior? If so, everyone should be aware that after I make
these changes they will need to manually regenerate their 'depend' file in
the sander directory before compilation.
My apologies if this is already a well-known issue.
Daniel R. Roe, Ph.D.
Research Chemist
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8443
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8443
(301) 975-8741
AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 06 2009 - 10:01:26 PDT