[AMBER-Developers] Error compiling amber11: xray_interface.f

From: Gustavo Seabra <gustavo.seabra.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 17:50:59 +0100

Hi, when compiling amber11 with pgf90 on the XT5, I'm getting this error:

cpp -traditional -P -DBINTRAJ xray_interface.f > _xray_interface.f
pgf90 -c -O1 -Mfree -o xray_interface.o _xray_interface.f
PGF90-S-0074-Illegal number or type of arguments to merge - keyword
argument fsource (_xray_interface.f: 509)
  0 inform, 0 warnings, 1 severes, 0 fatal for xray_write_pdb
make: *** [xray_interface.o] Error 2

Does anybody else see this?

Gustavo Seabra
Postdoctoral Associate
Quantum Theory Project - University of Florida
Gainesville - Florida - USA
Q: Why do mountain climbers rope themselves together?
A: To prevent the sensible ones from going home.

AMBER-Developers mailing list
Received on Fri May 29 2009 - 01:11:11 PDT
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