Re: [AMBER-Developers] Test output file from qmmm_div in CVS by mistake?

From: Mark Williamson <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 22:31:37 +0100

Joe Krahn wrote:
> I see CVS conflicts for the file:
> test/qmmm_div/crambin_qmmmnmr/mdout.cnmr

It has was removed from CVS:

amber11/test/qmmm_div/crambin_qmmmnmr mdout.cnmr,1.3,NONE
Fri Apr 10 08:16:35 PDT 2009
Update of /home/amber_cvs/cvsroot/amber11/test/qmmm_div/crambin_qmmmnmr
In directory

Removed Files:
Log Message:
this file should not be in CVS, just a .save version

> My guess is that it is generated while running tests, and should be
in CVS.

You generally don't want any output generated from a test in CVS, only
the .save version of it that dacdif uses to compare the test output to.

But, perhaps Run.cnmr should be modified to remove the mdout.cnmr after
a successful dacdif pass.



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Received on Wed Apr 15 2009 - 01:17:02 PDT
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