Yes, adding a kind selection capability based on byte size would allow you
to choose what you care about most, and would return control to the
developer on this issue. And having a sizeof equivalent is pretty much a
no-brainer to me. Interesting points though; thanks! - Bob
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Krahn" <>
To: "AMBER Developers Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: [AMBER-Developers] Usage of long symbol names, KIND, DFLOAT,
> They have become only slightly less clueless. But, the people that had a
> clue were out-numbered and left. KIND values are still abstract. The one
> advantage is that you can use the ISO C Binding features to match C types,
> such as double and int32_t.
> The stubborn rationale about the abstract KIND is that a system could
> theoretically have 2 different floating representations using the same
> byte size. In particular, there is more than one form of quad-precision
> currently in use. Also, character KINDs could indicate different character
> sets, but nobody actually uses character kinds yet.
> Of course, there is no reason not to have a KIND selection function based
> on byte size, and no reason not to have a standard SIZEOF() function.
> Joe
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Received on Wed Apr 01 2009 - 01:16:40 PDT