Re: [AMBER-Developers] Amber coding standards

From: Volodymyr Babin <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 15:29:02 +0100

Hi everyone,

another option is to use the preprocessor

#else /* less good one */

and set ASSUME_PROPER_FORTRAN as needed in the configure script.

Yet another way to fully fix this and similar issues is to
convert everything to ansi C, for example.

Have a great day,


On Mon, March 30, 2009 10:00, Gustavo Seabra wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:35 AM, Mark Williamson <> wrote:
>> So, where am I going with this...? I see these options:
>> A) Request to implement TR-15581 in gfortran 4.1 and release a
>> bug
>> fix as gfortran 4.1.3 .
>> B) Revert my "fix" and modify AMBER's configure script to reject any
>> version
>> of gfortran prior to 4.2.0 .
>> C) Keep the my current "fix" and allow versions of gfortran prior to
>> 4.2.0 .
>> Option "A" I think is unlikely, plus, not all distributions may pick up
>> this
>> fix. Option "C" seems silly since the compiler version is holding back
>> the
>> benefits Joe states above and this problem is not seen in ifort.
>> I think option "B" would perhaps be the best thing to do [...]
> Hi,
> I just wanted to mention that, perhaps, the 'silly' option ("C") may
> actually be the best one, from the point of view of portability. I can
> imagine users trying to install Amber in some older systems, and
> getting into trouble because they don't have the latest version of
> gfortran (For example, RHEL 4 doens't, as you mention yourself).
> Unless, of course, we decide to drop support to all legacy systems at
> once...
> If we go with option "B", may I suggest a similar check on the
> configure_at script as well, to decide whether or not to install gleap
> if the gcc version is < 3.4? (I still get bitten by it sometimes :-( )
> Gustavo.
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Received on Wed Apr 01 2009 - 01:08:42 PDT
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