RE: amber-developers: Two build/test issues

From: Volodymyr Babin <>
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 22:45:43 -0500 (EST)

> Then looking further through the code we have:
> integer, parameter :: intg = selected_int_kind( 9 )
> integer, public, parameter :: wi = intg
> integer( kind = wi ) :: seed_d, matrix_a, matrix_b, temper_a, temper_b
> data temper_b /z'EFC60000'/
> So temper_b is set to of kind wi which is equal to intg so should be int*4
> and then the code tries to stuff EFC60000 into that int*4 which of course
> cannot work. So how does this code ever work????
> Comments anyone...?

I believe that the code simply tries to initialize 4 consecutive bytes of
memory and
set them to EF, C6, 00 and 00 respectively.
Received on Fri Dec 05 2008 - 10:36:06 PST
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