On Tue, Apr 29, 2008, Gustavo Seabra wrote:
> Apparently, the directory where the AmberTools are installed has changed to
> $AMBERHOME/bin. However, most of the Ambertools tests are still pointing to
> $AMBERHOME/exe. This is causing a bunch of test failures when running the
> Ambertools test.
This should not be happening: $AMBERHOME/exe is created as a link to
$AMBERHOME/bin. Are you starting from a completely clean directory tree?
Look at the section "Make some needed directories" in configure_at.
If there is some reason why this is not working, it would be good to know, but
my guess is that you didn't do a clean install.
[We are trying to get rid of the VMS-ism of having binaries in a "exe"
directory, and this is the first step along that route.]
Wei can comment on the gleap problem, but your guess of "old compiler" sounds
reasonable. gleap depends on boost, which tends to have cutting/bleeding edge
C++ requirements.
[It would be great if this is the problem: not only is it easy to fix, but I
can use it to beat Scott over the head :-) ]
Received on Wed Apr 30 2008 - 06:07:53 PDT