amber-developers: ifort errors in building divcon

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 11:54:25 -0800

On Tue, Mar 04, 2008, Andreas Svrcek-Seiler wrote:
> 4) Possible compiler bug in ifort 10.1.013: Only with this compiler I get
> a lot of errors like:
> ifort -c -w95 -vec_report0 -mp1 -ip -O3 -axWP -FR -I../../sander
> -I../src/include -DHAS_LAPACK -DQMMM -o ../obj/qm_mm_div.o
> ../src/qmmm/qm_mm_div.F90
> fortcom: Error: qm_mm_div.F90, line 100: The rank of the
> allocate-shape-spec-list differs from the rank of the allocate-object.
> allocate(link_index(qmmm_struct%nlink+1),stat=ier)
> ---------------------^

Can you say more about what "a lot of errors like..." means? Do all allocate
statments fail, or just some of them? The code looks correct to me. But
if we see more of the error messages, maybe we can figure out what they have
in common, which could help in figuring out what to do.

Received on Wed Mar 05 2008 - 06:07:36 PST
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