Re: amber-developers: Osx problem with gleap file names

From: Wei Zhang <>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2007 15:02:41 -0600

David A. Case wrote:

>On Wed, Nov 07, 2007, Crowley, Michael wrote:
>>The MAC OS-X has a very odd characteristic. When checking existence of a
>>file, it does not distinguish case. Thus, though one can create files with
>>Mixed case, and they do show up with the correct case, the shells or os
>>cannot distinguish the case once it is created. Thus, there is a problem
>>with these pairs of files, and some others.
>This is also true for cygwin.
>The files Mike is talking about are (I think) automagically generated by
>doxygen, and so Wei doesn't have any control over the names. (He can correct
>me if this is wrong.) My suggestion is that these files just be removed
>from CVS -- I don't think that have much real value. If we need docs like
>this, they can be assembled on a machine with case-sensitive files, and then
>assembled into some simpler file structure(?)
>Wei can comment if I am thinking about this incorrectly.
>In the meantime, these files don't cause any problems...just ignore the CVS
>error messages.
Yes, these are automatically genrated by doxygen, so remove them from
CVS should not cause any problem. I will try to do it tonight.


Received on Sun Nov 11 2007 - 06:07:14 PST
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