Wu, Xiongwu (NIH/NHLBI) [E] wrote:
>Would you please add me on loyd so I can keep up with the updated AMBER
>development? I appreciate any information about what I should do with
>the migration.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Michael Crowley [mailto:crowley.scripps.edu]
>>Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 12:31 AM
>>To: amber-developers.scripps.edu
>>Subject: amber-developers: CVS accounts
>>Dear all,
>>I would like to begin migrating all developers to the cvs machine
>>(loyd.scripps.edu) and off of chagall or any other machine we may have
>>you on to get cvs access at scripps. Some are already on loyd.
>>These are the folks that are already on loyd:
>>gustavos Gustavo Seabra-Roitberg group-Amber collab
>>jsonnenb Jason Sonnenberg amber dvlpr
>>jianliu Jian Liu amber dvlpr
>>hayik Seth Hayik amber dvlpr
>>buw2 Bing Wang amber dvlpr
>>pv232 Peter Varnai amber dvlpr
>>mengjueh Mengjuei Hsieh amber dvlpr
>>carlos Carlos Simmerling Amber dvlrp
>>rduke Bob Duke
>>sandyucb Sandy from berkeley/miller group
>>ruzhuchen Ruzhu Chen, IBM 845-433-8426
>>york Darrin York
>>pengyu Pengyu Ren, U Texas
>>pcieplak AMBER Piotr Cieplak, Burnham Inst.
>>tjhou AMBER
>>tluchko Tyler Luchko, U Alberta
>>peters Martin Peters, qtp U Fla
>>sagui Celeste Sagui,NCSU Amber dvlpr
>>roberto Roberto Gomperts,SGI Amber dvlpr
>>torras Joan Torras,Amber dvlpr PUPIL - Adrian Roitberg
>>xueli Xue Li,Amber dvlpr Merz Group
>>junmei_wang Junmei Wang, Amber Dvlpr
>>If you are one of these people, then nothing has to be done for or by
>>If you are not one of these lucky ducks, then we have some work to do.
>>It would be easiest if you could let me know when is an opportune time
>>make the change. The best time would be when you have all your
>>modifications checked in because you will want to check out a new
>>of the cvs tree with the CVS utility files (Repository in particular)
>>containing your new cvs repository info (loyd rather than chagall).
>>When you are ready, let me know and I will make the change. You will
>get a
>>new userid and a new CVSROOT environment variable to set. You will
>>have to change your password on loyd as described in an email. You
>>not be able to log into loyd, only use remote shell commands, in
>>particular, use cvs via ssh.
>>Best wishes to all,
Please add me on lloyd
Carlos P. Sosa
Address: University of Minnesota
Supercomputing Institute for
Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation
599 Walter Library
117 Pleasant St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
email: cpsosa.msi.umn.edu
Received on Sun Nov 04 2007 - 06:07:46 PST