Re: amber-developers: First Amber10 code submission deadline

From: Carlos Simmerling <>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 08:37:19 -0400

I am visiting Adrian to work out some final details of integrating changes
with what his group has done.
I'm going there the 13th- could we have a few extra days for making these
final changes?

On 9/26/07, David A. Case <> wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> As I have mentioned before, we need to work harder than we have in the
> past to
> get new code for Amber10 submitted in a timely fashion.
> The basic code deadline for Amber 10 is October 15, 2007.
> I really want to have things in a week before the developers' meeting, so
> that
> problems can be identified *before* that meeting, and we can try to fix
> things
> up *during* the meeting. We can also make decisions at the meeting about
> which
> post-deadline code to accept.
> After the meeting, acceptance of new code will probably be limited to
> clean-ups and bug fixes; exceptions to this policy will be considered on a
> case-by-case basis.
> The above deadline does not apply to pmemd: this code has been very solid
> in
> the past, and changes Bob makes don't disrupt other parts of Amber.
> As always, comments and suggestions are welcome.
> ...dac

Carlos L. Simmerling, Ph.D.
Associate Professor                 Phone: (631) 632-1336
Center for Structural Biology       Fax:   (631) 632-1555
CMM Bldg, Room G80
Stony Brook University              E-mail:
Stony Brook, NY 11794-5115          Web:
Received on Wed Oct 03 2007 - 06:07:35 PDT
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