can we look at that, i.e. reading trajectories for postprocessing? I'd
like to use that for reading trajs for owfeg postprocessing rather than
splitting coords into frames.
Alternatively, if you have a version where I can figure out what needs
to be done to activate "-y" option, let me know where it is.
Paradoxically, amber9 manual has this option listed in basic sander
switches as if it was supposed to work...
Carlos Simmerling wrote:
> I have it done in amber9 and ready to patch but have not submitted
> it yet. I can give you a copy of the modified files next week if that
> would
> help. Yes, we need to get it put into Amber10 very soon, I'll try to take
> care of it after next week.
> Mengjuei Hsieh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there any plan to implement imin=5 and "-y inptraj" in amber 10 like
>> what've been written in the user manual? I don't see the corresponding
>> functionality in the amber 9 code.
>> Best,
Viktor Hornak
Center for Structural Biology Phone: (631)632-1439
SUNY at Stony Brook Fax: (631)632-1555
Stony Brook, NY 11794-5115 E-mail:
Received on Wed Dec 13 2006 - 17:55:53 PST