Re: amber-developers: Sanibel meeting plus bug-list

From: Ken Merz <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 09:42:28 -0400

  I will press my guys to get these bugs fixed (if we can - we do not
have all possible compilers available to us). Let me know what is
happening on the AMBER/Sanibel end as you get word on who might/might
not attend. Ross gave a fairly balanced talk at the ACS. Take care.

On Sep 14, 2006, at 2:23 AM, David A. Case wrote:

> Hi everyone:
> I want to re-state two recent items:
> 1. We are trying to make sure that having the developers' meeting
> at Sanibel
> will really work for as many people as possible. Please look over the
> previous mail on this subject and let me know if you will or will
> not be able
> to attend. Please reply, even if you can't decide yet whether or
> not you will
> be able to come -- that way, I will know that you have read the
> message.
> [If you already have replied, or if you are at QTP and are
> "obviously" going
> to attend, then you don't need to reply. Let me know if you lost
> the earlier
> e-mail and I will re-send it to you.]
> 2. Please take a moment to look at the buglist page:
> We need to try to resolve the issues that are listed here (and to
> continue to
> do so as new bugs are reported). Two of the items there (#1 and #5
> actually
> have proposed patches, and all tec and seth need to do is look at
> those to
> say they are OK.) Some of the others will require more work, and
> we need
> people to pitch in. (See also my recent requrest on the Amber list
> for
> someone to start a wiki page on compiler versions).
> ...thanks!....dac

Professor Kenneth M. Merz, Jr.
Department of Chemistry
Quantum Theory Project
2328 New Physics Building
PO Box 118435
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611-8435


Phone: 352-392-6973
FAX: 352-392-8722
Cell: 814-360-0376
Received on Sun Sep 17 2006 - 06:07:19 PDT
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