Re: amber-developers: call nxtsec and read(nf,fmt)

From: Wei Zhang <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 15:25:18 -0700

Hi Ilyas,

the source of the two subroutine nxtsec is under directory

which I think is read through the file looking for a line like "%ATOM_NAME",
if found, extract the format information from the next which should be like

%FORMAT(xxx), store the format string in fmt, and read coming section using

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.



Ilyas Yildirim wrote:

>Dear All,
>I am trying to understand some of the files in the src/sander directory. I
>came up with these two subroutines which are not explicitly defined:
>nxtsec and read. As an example (from rdparm.f)
> fmtin = afmt
> type = 'ATOM_NAME'
> call nxtsec(nf, 6, 0,fmtin, type, fmt, iok)
> read(nf,fmt) (ih(m04+i-1),i = 1,natom)
>What is the use of these subroutines? I would guess it is to get the
>parameters from the prmtop file, but could not figure out how it does it.
>Can someone direct me to a source which will help me to understand it?
Received on Sun Aug 13 2006 - 06:07:17 PDT
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