amber-developers: About amber8 help for mozilla-based browser.

From: Xuebin Qiao <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 23:09:42 +0800

Dear all,

Now, my amber8 help add-on for mozilla-based browsers has been completed and
is ready for review. It has been tested on firefox1.5+ and mozilla-1.7.12+.
Please find the installer in attachment. The install procedure is easy,
simply open it in new version of firefox or mozilla, and follow the
instructions. Restart browser when completed. The help should be found in
menu "help->Amber Documentation Project->Amber8 User Manual".

I tried to make balance between the original pdf layout and the mozilla help
style guide. This will not be the final version though. I would like to
receive any valuable inputs on the style design, especially on the keywords
highlighting styles. In addition, several features are missing now, e.g.
glossary list, function index and keyword cross reference. Maybe they have
to leave to the version 9.

I would like to know whether amber site could offer me any permanent space
to host the install package and future updates.

best regards


... there have been two really clean,
consistent models of programming so far:
the C model and the Lisp model.
These two seem points of high ground,
with swampy lowlands between them.
                                      --Paul Graham

Received on Fri May 26 2006 - 21:05:26 PDT
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