Re: amber-developers: Some remarks on compiling amber9

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 10:17:43 -0700

On Thu, Feb 02, 2006, Andreas Svrcek-Seiler wrote:

Hi Andreas:

Thanks for your tests. You should consider posting results like these to
the Amber wiki: Go to the
failures" page.

> 1) The 'core' Makefile in $AMBERHOME/src should contain a
> mkdir ../exe or something like that.

This has to do with the flags you use to check out the CVS tree; you are
not getting empty directories. It will not be a problem with what users

> make faile for ptraj due to a missing include statement
> (../netcdf/src/libsrc).

This is a bug in CVS and is Tom's fault: he needs to check in the code
protects the netCDF code with ifdef BINTRAJ statements.
> {t,x}leap don't build as 32bit programs on a 64 it machine, since LOADCC

> misses a '-m32' and gcc defaults to 64 bit mode during the linking

I don't understand this. Is it supposed to build 32-bit programs? On my
em64t machine, I get 64 bit versions of these programs with the default
configure output. Same on SGI-altix. So, I'm not sure I know what the
"error" is here.

Does "it" stand for Itanium? I think we have only tested SGI-altix (which
uses icc not gcc) for itanium. Can you propose a patch to configure?

> Several further divcon test quit with something like
> "Error: cannot run "$AMBERHOME/exe/divcon" of bcc() in charge.c
> exit"

Please check your stacksize limits, as discussed here:

Also, we need to know your exact configuration: compiler, OS, version of
It looks like there are problems with divcon when MKL is not defined.

> Now on to ifort 9.0.032. Since updating from 9.0.031,
> I get error messages like:
> fortcom: Error: _amoeba_runmd.f, line 118: Syntax error, found '.' when
> expecting one of: ( <IDENTIFIER> <CHAR_CON_KIND_PARAM>
> allocate(acceleration(3,num_atoms),stat=ier);
> Aass('ier==0',"amoeba_runmd.f",27)
> -------------------------------------------------------^
> I can't tell whether the code above is bad fortran or the current
> is "wrong" (?).

Weird. We have been using this for a long time. Try changing this line
(about line 27 of amoeba_runmd.f) from:

          allocate(acceleration(3,num_atoms),stat=ier); REQUIRE(ier==0)



That is, I wonder if the semicolon is messing things up -- this is the
place where this syntax is used, so there may be an easy fix.

> Baseline: with the latest ifort (9.0.032 ia32) compiler,
> the routine nonbond_list seems segfault-prone and even disabling all
> optimizations doesn't help.

On clue about this one.
> a) it's o.k. to send this to the list

It is, but using the wiki is the preferred method, since things can be
from there when they are fixed, and people's e-mail boxes are not so

...thanks again...dac

David A. Case                     |  e-mail:
Dept. of Molecular Biology, TPC15 |  fax:          +1-858-784-8896
The Scripps Research Institute    |  phone:        +1-858-784-9768
10550 N. Torrey Pines Rd.         |  home page:                   
La Jolla CA 92037  USA            |
Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:43 PDT
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