On Tue, Nov 08, 2005, Wu, Xiongwu (NIH/NHLBI) [E] wrote:
> I am trying to compile amber9 on SGI but failed. Is this a problem of
> f90 of SGI? e.g. evb_vars.f produces compiling problems.
This is a real problem: having allocatable arrays as a part of defined
is *not* standard Fortran 95 -- it is a part of Fortran 2003 that happens
be supported by ifort and g95. But major compilers, including SGI and
gfortran, do not allow these extensions.
I am pretty reluctant to require a Fortran 2003-compliant compiler for
Amber 9. Is there any easy way to not have to use allocatable arrays
user-defined types?
You could try to download the IRIX-MIPS version of g95 from
www.g95.org. G95 works on other platforms, so one hopes it could work
there as well. (I can't try this right now since we have no web access).
Otherwise, you will have to move to a non-SGI platform until we can get
sorted out.
Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:51 PDT