amber-developers: Error while doing free energy calculation using AMBER 9

From: Ilyas Yildirim <>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 23:05:20 -0700

Dear All,

I have created a 4X4 helix using xleap. The helix is (5'GGCC3')_2. I am
transforming the whole helix into (5'iGiGiCiC3'). In order to do that I
have changed the structure of GGCC such that it has two dummy atoms at
each carbonyl group oxygene. Then, it is solvated in water. The procedure
is very long, so I am going to give u brief information on how the
structures are created.

Then, I have created the .prmtop and .inpcrd files for GGCC and iGiGiCiC
(The inpcrd files of both structures are exactly the same). When I ran the
simulation, I am getting a strange error. Here is the runsim_heating
script to do the MD simulation:

--------------------- runsim_heating -------------------------
#!/bin/csh -f

set lambda = 0.50

set sander = "/home/yildirim/bin/"
set mpi = "/home/yildirim/bin/perl/mpi"

/bin/rm -f mdin groups mdcrd

cat > mdin <<EOF
20 ps MD with res on RNA - Heating
  imin = 0,
  irest = 0, ntx = 1,
  ntb = 1, cut = 8,
  ntr = 1,
  ntc = 2, ntf = 2,
  tempi = 0.0, temp0 = 300.0, ig=13000,
  ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 1.0,
  nstlim = 10000, dt = 0.002,
  ntpr = 1, ntwx = 100, ntwr = 1000,
  icfe=2, klambda=6, clambda=0.5
Keep RNA fixed with weak restraints
RES 1 8

cat > groups <<EOF
-O -i mdin -p ggcc.prmtop -c inpcrd_min02.res -r ggcc_heating.rst
-x ggcc_heating.mdcrd -ref inpcrd_min02.res -o out.heating.$lambd
-O -i mdin -p igigicic.prmtop -c inpcrd_min02.res -r igigicic_heating.rst
-x igigicic_heating.mdcrd -ref inpcrd_min02.res -o out.heating.$lambd

$mpi -b -c mpirun 2 $sander -ng 2 -groupfile groups < /dev/null || goto

echo " ${0}: Program error"

The simulation stops at 218th fs. The error message I am getting is this:

[1] MPI Abort by user Aborting program !
[1] Aborting program!
p1_1038: p4_error: : 1
rm_l_1_1039: (49.475900) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32
p1_1038: (49.476458) net_send: could not write to fd=5, errno = 32

When I check out the output files, I am seeing the following message in

--------------------- out.heating.0.50.p2 ---------------------
 NSTEP = 218 TIME(PS) = 0.436 TEMP(K) = 149.00 PRESS =
 Etot = -25404.9120 EKtot = 2307.4090 EPtot =
 BOND = 196.5292 ANGLE = 617.4246 DIHED =
 1-4 NB = 79.1869 1-4 EEL = -1144.4688 VDWAALS =
 EELEC = -33073.3390 EHBOND = 0.0000 RESTRAINT =
 EAMBER (non-restraint) = -27933.3173
 DV/DL = 256.7102
 Ewald error estimate: 0.1618E-03

 vlimit exceeded for step          218 ; vmax =    22.6949147823007
     Coordinate resetting (SHAKE) cannot be accomplished,
     deviation is too large
     NITER, NIT, LL, I and J are :    0    3   15   61   62
     Note: This is usually a symptom of some deeper
     problem with the energetics of the system.
I did not understand why I am getting this error message. I have
checked out the initial .pdb files of ggcc and igigicic to be sure that
the procedure I have followed is right. When I checked out the
initial .pdb files of ggcc and igigicic using ambpdb, it is what I
expected: The atoms are exactly the same except the transformed atoms;
namely, -O-(DH)2 tranforms to -N-H2.
So, then I thought to run the same simulation in AMBER 8. I have created
the necessary .prmtop/.inpcrd files using exactly the same modified force
field file (.frcmod). Then, I ran a simulation (but not heating). Here is
the script used to do this simulation:
--------------------- runsim ---------------------------------------
#!/bin/csh -f
set lambda = 0.50
set sander = "/home/yildirim/bin/"
cat > mdin <<EOF
1 ps MD
  imin = 0,
  irest = 0, ntx = 1,
  ntb = 1, cut = 8,
  ntr = 0,
  ntc = 2, ntf = 2,
  tempi  = 300.0, temp0  = 300.0, ig=233,
  ntt = 3, gamma_ln = 1.0,
  nstlim = 1000000, dt = 0.001, nscm = 1000, nrespa=1,
  ntpr = 100, ntwx = 1000, ntwr = 1000,
  icfe=2, klambda=6, clambda=$lambda
$sander -O -i mdin -p ggcc_pert.prmtop -c ggcc_pert.inpcrd -o \
ggcc.out -r ggcc.rst -x ggcc.mdcrd  < /dev/null || goto error
echo "  ${0}:  Program error"
This simulation did not give any error message. I stopped it at 500th ps.
So, I decided that my new mix. function is working fine. I used the same
script (except, now the sander is to do the same
simulation using AMBER 9. Here is the script I used:
---------------------------- runsim ----------------------------
#!/bin/csh -f
set lambda = 0.5
set sander = "/home/yildirim/bin/"
set mpi = "/home/yildirim/bin/perl/mpi"
/bin/rm -f mdin groups mdcrd restrt
cat > mdin <<EOF
    1 ns simulation
cat > groups <<EOF
-O -i mdin -p ggcc.prmtop     -c inpcrd.min -o out.$lambda.p1
-O -i mdin -p igigicic.prmtop -c inpcrd.min -o out.$lambda.p2
$mpi -b -c mpirun 2 $sander -ng 2 -groupfile groups < /dev/null || goto
echo "  ${0}:  Program error"
This gave the same error at the end, and the output files have very
big values (as follows):
 NSTEP =     1200   TIME(PS) =       1.200  TEMP(K) = NaN       PRESS =
 Etot   =  NaN            EKtot   =  NaN            EPtot      =  NaN
 BOND   =    643343.9308  ANGLE   =      8405.3473  DIHED      =
 1-4 NB =       879.5059  1-4 EEL =      -284.3524  VDWAALS    =
 EELEC  =  NaN            EHBOND  =         0.0000  RESTRAINT  =
 DV/DL  =  NaN
 Ewald error estimate:  NaN
I am not sure why I am ending up with this kind of an error. I
first thought that the modified .frcmod might be the reason, but this
mod.frcmod file is working fine with AMBER 8. I have checked out the
.mdcrd trajectories, and the -NH2 and -O-(DH)2 parts of the structure is
doing really weird stuff. So, I am thinking that something in
'multisander' is creating this error, but I donno why and how.
  Ilyas Yildirim
  - Department of Chemisty       -				-
  - University of Rochester      -				-
  - Hutchison Hall, # B10        -				-
  - Rochester, NY 14627-0216     - Ph.:(585) 275 67 66 (Office)	-
  -			-
Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:47 PDT
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