amber-developers: evb based mixing

From: Ilyas Yildirim <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 10:36:19 -0700

Dear All,

I have changed the source code of a couple of files in
$AMBERHOME/src/sander directory to include a new mixing function, which is
different than (1-lambda)^klambda. There are two mixing subroutines, one
is called as 'mix_frcti' and the other one is 'mix_evb'. The first one is
directly using the mixing function, and I have changed that subroutine to
include the new mixing function. Can someone inform me about the use of
the second subroutine, mix_evb? I am not sure if I need to make any
changes on that subroutine, too.

Another thing is with the chagall server. I am having a couple of problems
while updating amber9 server. When I use 'cvs update -d' I am getting the
following error:

[yildirim.anatolia ~/amber9]# cvs update -d's password:
? addles
? new2oldparm
? config.h
? _addspace.f
? _alert.f
? _checksz.f
? _echo.f
? restrt
? rstdip
? chi_vs_t
? mdout
? analout
? pdb1
No space left on device
[yildirim.anatolia ~/amber9]#

Only %32 of my hard drive is used, so I am not sure what this
error means. Thanks in advance.


  Ilyas Yildirim
  - Department of Chemisty       -				-
  - University of Rochester      -				-
  - Hutchison Hall, # B10        -				-
  - Rochester, NY 14627-0216     - Ph.:(585) 275 67 66 (Office)	-
  -			-
Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:52 PDT
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