amber-developers: new "test failures" page on the wiki

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 10:04:27 -0700

I have added a new page to the Amber-wiki:

I am hoping that we can use this to keep track of which tests are not
working of various platforms. As usual, anyone can add to (or subtract
this table. If we keep it reasonably up to date, we can keep everyone
informed about what outstanding problems there are that we know about at
test case level.

Also, please add test cases to the test suite as new features are found,
as new bugs are fixed. That is: if you fix a bug, that is probably a good
time to add a (short!) test case that exercises that option, so that we
be sure that things don't regress, and that the bug stays fixed.


p.s. note that Scott has added a TEST_FAILURES.DAT file in
Delete this file before running tests, then look at it after the tests are provides a summary of failures, which you then could use to
the wiki page mentioned above.
Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:59 PDT
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