amber-developers: protocols for checking things in to the Amber 9 CVS tree

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 16:28:21 -0700

Hi everyone:

We've had a flurry of development activity recently, which is good. But
a number of (avoidable) glitches, which is bad.

Everyone understands that code in the Amber9 tree is not all that stable,
might have bugs in it. So I don't want people to be afraid to try out new

However, you should be sure that your revisions compile cleanly, and pass
tests, or do not introduce new failures beyond those listed here:

If your code changes the expected output of the tests, then you should
generally update the test cases when you update the code. If you must
introduce new test failures, then please document that at the above page,
so that people will know to ignore them.

If possible, please confirm that your code works with g95 as well as ifort
(this is for Fortran updates, obviously). Since g95 is a stricter
that can help reduce problems down the line.

When you introduce new features, introduce new test cases as well that
exercise those features. This will also help reduce future problems.

If we all are a little more careful, I think we can save time for

Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:49:57 PDT
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