Re: amber-developers: code problem, anybody know about this one?

From: David A. Case <>
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 08:31:05 -0700

On Fri, Oct 29, 2004, Michael Crowley wrote:

> Here is a bit of code that is clearly problematic wrt ierr variable.
> src/sander/align.f

Well, this is my code; so, apoligies for the errors. Please change it to
it correct. I think the code originally made a call to "opnmrg()", and
an error variable. In September, John Mongan fixed a long-standing bug,
changed the opnmrg() calls to amopen(). This may have been when the

If so, it would show the benefits of regular testing on lots of machines:
new bug would have probably have shown up right after it was introduced,
would have been easier to find.

Thanks for fixing this....dac
Received on Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:50:00 PDT
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